The screen reveals the following story:

Once upon a time, Liam was in a video call with family and talking about attempts made to finish one project before starting the next. It was generally agreed that while a noble goal, this was something very difficult. During this conversation incomplete projects were referred to by his grandmother as "UFOs". When Liam found this puzzling, it was explained that it stood for "UnFinished Objects". Upon this discovery, Liam knew immediately that he would be completely reorganizing his gemini capsule to highlight this entertaining bit of linguistics replacing the #now style page with any of his as yet incomplete, but not yet disregarded, projects. This resulted in a significant improvement to his capsule, though it may be a bit confusing for some visitors. Unsatisfied with a three letter acronym based on only two words, and not feeling like 'object' fully describes the works in progress he wished to describe, he began searching for a better fit for the same idea. He continues the hunt to this day. Feel free to reach out to Liam to share your ideas for what UFO could stand for. Liam's contact page

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