As I've been enjoying printing (both linocut and gelprinting) and painting, I've been finding myself accumulating finished prints and paints. I'm sharing them here.

If you're interested in having the physical works shown here, let me know! I'm open to art trades, negotiating a price, or heck you may be lucky and catch me at a time/headspace where I'm willing to send off a given item just because it needs a new home.

A tablefull of gelprints on white paper, each with a rainbow gradient from top to bottom. There is an orderly four by five grid, with an additional two tossed into the center haphazardly

These rainbow gelprints were done initially for the #rescueTransRescue project, but I chose to use ghostprints that were left from these heavily painted prints for that printrun instead. Now I have many rainbows to do something with! (or to be appreciated on their own merit)