Thanks for checking out the fidgets!

I have ADHD, and I felt like having a place to share my coping strategies and thoughts about mental health would be nice.

Disclaimer I am not a medical professional, nor do I live in your brain. All I have is what works for me, and a combination of things I've researched and/or have heard from others works for them. I'm going to do my best to site any sources I have. Any theories or suggestions as to what the reader "should" do are to be taken with a large grain of salt. Please take any information that's helpful to you, and leave the rest.

*Additional Important Note* I happen to live a life where disclosing the realities of how I handle my mental health is unlikely to impact my life. I consider myself to be very lucky that that is true. While ADHD is legally covered under the American's with Disabilities Act, the reality of those protections often fall short of what one might expect. (I don't know much about what exists by way of protections in other countries) I think it's important that people feel comfortable to discuss the many facets of mental health, because I think that education helps people empathise, and that what helps someone who is neuroatypical can often help someone who's neurotypical as well. But I do not want to cause anyone to feel pressure to disclose this type of information. Just because someone is legally not supposed to use your diagnosis against you, doesn't mean you'll never run into that situation. Please make safe decisions for yourself.

What's helping me (right now)

My Meds

My Bullet Journal

My Project Management System

My Watch



Rhythms, Rituals, and Habits

And yes, fidgets

Methods I'm not currently using, but are good


ADHD links I've found (Shaarli linklist)