Porch Coffee

One of my favorite practices we've found ourselves in here at thisOldClownHouse is taking coffee on the porch.

The building has a lovely porch, with a brick wall and a solid roof. We haven't set up any seating, I tend to sit on top of the wall, and otherwise we stand while enjoying our coffee.

This has allowed us to have all sorts of lovely experiences. We occasionally chat with the neighbors. On school days our afternoon coffee tends to line up with when the local bus drops kids off, so we see parents and students as kids are retrieved, kids saying goodbye or running off to play. I've stood there as snowflakes fell, enjoying watching them spinning through the air while clutching my hot mug. I've sat and basked in the summer sun, perched on top of a hot wall, sipping cold brew. I've hung my head over the side of the wall and gotten my hair wet as a summer rain brought the temperature down, feeling the radiant heat of the brick through my chest while simultaneously being chilled by the cool raindrops.

Porch Coffee makes me happy. Porch Coffee reminds me that I live in a place, a neighborhood, with and around other people. Porch Coffee gives me some time away from computers, time to have a simple chat with my loved ones. Porch Coffee lets me reconnect with nature, but not so much that I feel like I should probably bathe afterwards.

I love Porch Coffee.