Meet Doee

Some pages from my sketchbook, introducing Doee.

Doee is an aesculapian snake and a symbol I'd like to introduce (more on that later). Asclepius was one of the Greek gods of healing. The rod with the snake on it that is so often used as the symbol for hospitals and doctor's offices is his. The reason that Asclepius's rod has a snake on it differs slightly in the retellings, but the story I like most says that after doing a kindness to one, the snake chose to share the secrets of healing with him, licking his ear and granting him knowledge and observational powers he would otherwise never have had, even as the demi-god he already was. Aesculapian snakes were believed to be the messengers of Asclepius they helped to keep his temples free of vermin, as well as heal the sick. They're not likely to hurt a human, and they are non-venomous.

And now that you've got a little background on aesclepian snakes generally, here's a bit more about Doee himself. Doee has found himself in opposition to the traditions of his kind, as he's seen the damage that the gatekeeping of medical knowledge has caused, and continues to cause. His goal is to help those who take their healthcare into their own hands. (His name is derived from his tendency to tell people "You can do eeet!") He himself is a cyborg, as he feels that beings shouldn't be limited by their physical forms, when other options exist.

As such, I (as the first person who channeled his image into existence) am offering his likeness as a symbol for the communities for whom that is a significant reality. Those with disabilities, both visible and invisible, those with chronic illness, those who are transgender and making choices about their bodies to affirm their gender, those who are transhumanist and/or cyborg, bio/body-hackers, anyone who's rights to bodily autonomy are being threatened, like those who can become pregnant, and be perfectly honest, everyone being let down by their current 'healthcare' systems.

He's a DIY health helper.

I hereby freely give his likeness to anyone who wishes to represent the concept that one should be able to access healthcare information, testing, and treatment without arbitrary barriers with no medical logic, other than the following exclusions:

His likeness is not available to support bigotry of any kind.

To be clear, this includes misogyny, transphobia (including erasure/denial of nonbinary identities), homophobia, racism of any kind, ageism, ableism, sane-ism (including denial of multiplicity/plurality), discrimination against non-human identities, and any other form of discrimination and bigotry that I forgot to list. If you aren't sure whether I'd view your position as bigoted, feel free to ask me.

His likeness is not available to support anti-vax messages.

His likeness is not available to those denying the ongoing COVID pandemic.

His likeness is not available to those spreading misinformation. If you're reporting new, lightly studied findings/possibilities, I'm fine with that so long as it's clearly stated that the information is still in early stages of research.

I do not require that use of his likeness give attribution to me, and it's fine if you make money off of it.

That said, if you do choose to use Doee in something you've made, I'd love to see it! (I'd also love to show it here)

For those intending to draw Doee, here's the key elements of Doee's physical likeness;

He's a dark grey/black aesculapian snake with a robotically enhanced eye. The Eye has a peculiar property, one that only mascots/drawn beings can really have. He's only got the one, but it will always be on the side facing the viewer. (If you choose to make a 3 dimensional rendering... I do not know how that works out, please tell me how it works for you!) Behind the eye itself, but on the same metal plate, is a small square-ish speaker and/or microphone grill, and two round objects below that.. as of this writing, I don't know whether those are indicator lights, a microphone, and/or something else, I just know that they're there. There are also two metallic trails off the 'back' of the eye-plate, onto his scales.

He can shift size as needed, from small enough to whisper into an ear inconspicuously, to something like 6ft tall, (taller if he's got a good reason for it).